George: What's "interrogation" mean?
Shiv: Do you need a dictionary?
George: Do you need a copy of the Geneva Convention?

Rebrov: Have you ever considered we might not be the good guys?
Shiv: I've thought about it.

Janet: How much?
George: How much what?
Janet: How much trouble's he in?

It's a group called The Last Glory. They've got a name like an impotence-awareness campaign but they're a serious outfit.


George: I want to be useful.
Archie: Well, you're not useful. Not currently. Not in the field.

The world wants to die. And we keep stopping it.

Rebrov [to Wes]

George: Why are you helping me?
Janet: Because I owe Dennis. And, even though he's not perfect, he deserves better than being stuck in a Lazarus cell.

Shiv: I am so sorry.
Janet: Yeah. People keep saying that to us.

Rebrov: We don't know how it's going to pan out.
Wes: And we don't have time to wait and see.

I can confirm that Agent Rebrov has leaflets, Shiv.

Wes [to Shiv]

Archie: This isn't your fault.
George: Rebrov?
Archie: We got him.

Great. The most wanted man in the world is within our grasp. And we're sending in Inspector Clouseau.
