Nora: Kevin? What's wrong? You can tell me anything.
Kevin: No, I can't. The last time I told you everything I woke up handcuffed to a bed and you were gone.
Nora: Kevin, I didn't now how to handle you talking to a dead person. Oh, Jesus, is it happening again?

Kids die every day. What's one more? And I get to cure cancer? Sure I nod.


Nora: What's your question?
Dr. Aiden: Two infant twins are born. One of them will grow up to cure cancer, but only if one of them dies now. You don't have to kill the baby yourself, but you do have to nod to make it happen. Do you nod?

Kevin: I don't understand what's happening.
Laurie: I think that you projected Evie onto a stranger, and I think that you chose Evie because you understood why she did what she did, why she left her family, why she escaped. I think a part of you wants to escape, Kevin.
Kevin: No, I don't want to escape.
Laurie: Then why are you in Australia? You are Chief of Police. You have responsibilities here. It is less than a week away from the seventh anniversary and you just ran away without telling anybody.
Kevin: No, I came to be with Nora. She had to be here. She's the one who ran away.
Laurie: Kevin, are you and Nora OK?
Kevin: Ask John about the fuckin' book he wrote about me.

Laurie: Do you remember when you were seeing Patti...
Kevin: I'm not seeing anyone, she's right fucking here!
Laurie:...when you were seeing Patti and I told you that you never tell anyone in the midst of a psychotic break that they were in the midst of a psychotic break? Remember?

I am Evie Murphy. I have started a new life. I am asking you not to tell anyone you have seen me, not my father, my mother or my brother. I am just asking you to leave me alone.


Kevin: What are you smuggling?
Nora: Sorry?
Kevin: You either didn't want to wait in line with me for an extra five minutes or you're smuggling something. What is it? Heroin?

Kevin Sr.: OK. Since you clearly weren't listening the first time I told you, I'm not a part of Kevin, Jr.'s story, he's a part of mine. He's the one who guided me here. He's the reason I'm here.
Matt: I'm sorry. When did this happen?
Kevin Sr.: When he was eight years old.
Matt: Well, children don't feature prominently in scripture.
Kevin Sr.: What about Abraham's kid?
Matt: He was 36 years old.
Kevin Sr.: No, when he tried to sacrifice him.
Matt: He was a grown man, 36 years old.
Kevin Sr.: That makes no fuckin' sense at all.

Grace: But you're not an angel, there is no message and God doesn't care about me. It's all just a story I told myself. It's all just a stupid, silly story, and I believed it because I've gone a bit crazy, haven't I?
Sr.: No, Grace. I don't think you're crazy at all. You just got the wrong Kevin.

Grace: You looked through my photos.
Sr.: I was hungry. It was in the fridge.

Sr.: My friend, you gotta move past that dumb book of yours. I don't know where I am. And when I find out, I'm gonna need your help getting into that hospital.
Matt: Kevin?
Sr.: Yeah?
Matt: Go fuck yourself.

I know what you're trying to do, but it's not gonna work!! You can't stop me, asshole! [sudden downpour]

Sr. [to the heavens]

The Leftovers Season 3 Quotes

Kevin: We got a problem. We need to keep it between you and me.
Laurie: OK
Kevin: Dogs are taking on human form and infiltrating the highest positions in the federal government.

I heard what you said in there, and you said nothing's going to happen on the 14th unless everything happens on the 14th.
