Katie: You're very weird librarians.
Eve: It's a very weird library.

This is me ignoring you. Get used to it.


Girl: Who are you people?
Cassandra: Librarians. We're the Librarians.

Do not fear the villain. Fear the hero.


And trust me, if you don't learn how to win the war instead of just fighting the battles, none of us will survive.


Amy: Magic's real?
Cassandra: Magic's real.
Amy: Awesome.

Someone turned a magic spell into an app.


Reality. It's the shared narrative we agree to believe.


That is more than I ever wanted to see of any elected official.


Okay. So we have to get a sample and a picture... and not die.


Eve: Do not antagonize the local law enforcement.
Ezekiel: But it's so much fun!

Little criticism. Since I've been back, the librarians seem kind of evil.


The Librarians Season 1 Quotes

Eve: You call Excalibur, 'Cal'?
Flynn: We're friends. Best friends. Besties, really.

Eve: How did you know all that?
Flynn: I'm the Librarian.