You killed Cancer Puppy?

Dean Fogg

Margo: A great way to get what you want is to be so miserable that you don't want it anymore.
Quentin: That's a terrible system. Why can't it run on love, or...cocaine?

This isn't Middle Earth, Quentin. There aren't enough noble quests to go around.


You don't know what cut off is. But baby, you will.


I need to be taught magic because I need to decide what magic is...for me.


Michael row the boat ashore. Hashtag agree.


Every time I talk, I sound batshit.


One thing is real. You are always a raging dick.


Alice: You should be happy. Less competition.
Margo: I like competition.

You have to mean it for magic to work.


Phosphoromancy, bitches!


Being a magician has always been about, in part, accruing power. Power over yourself, the elements, the future. But power, as you all know, does not come cheaply.

Dean Fogg

The Magicians Season 1 Quotes

Dean: Snuck a box of Oreos.
Quentin: Magicians can't eat Oreos?
Dean: Diabetics can't eat Oreos.

I can't just go to Yale if I know this place exists.
