Of course, I'm acting like a child. I'm a comedian.

Lenny Bruce

Women are more generous and giving. That's a fact of the species. We give life to fuckin' babies.


I was transcribing Finnegan's Wake. It feels like you're writing gibberish but apparently, he's a genius.


Do not sleep on the couch. It wears out the cushions faster than just every day sitting.

Abe Weissman

I am not voting for Nixon. He looks like he eats children.


When she gets excited about something and that something disappoints her our house gets very small and very loud.

Moishe Maisel

Abe Weissman: Has she tried sleeping pills? Your mother has a gallon jug of them in the closet.
Miriam "Midge" Maisel: She says they make her loopy the next day.
Abe Weissman: Same with your mother, but who can tell?

I don’t trust soup. It tells you it’s food but you eat it and you’re never full. feels like a scam.

Joel Maisel

Miriam "Midge" Maisel: What the hell are you doing here?
Lenny Bruce: Oh, well, I hate to steal your line, but what the hell are you doing here?

I had a close friend and I never knew it.

Susie Myerson

The rabbi thought for sure he got bit by a snake. I sucked on that man ’til he almost passed out. On his ankle, that is.

Miriam "Midge" Maisel

It doesn’t matter what you say, the man’s not listening to you anyhow.

Rose Weissman

The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel Season 4 Quotes

Susie: Tess, I have seen you let your tit fall out of your shirt for a free beer.
Tess: Imported beer.

That’s life. Shit happens. You should be a bigger man and just let it go. Well, I’m a woman so, fuck that.

Miriam "Midge" Maisel