When Harry died, he had so many knives in his back, they had to bury him face down.

Aaron Lebowitz

She’s either the best snoop in the business or the luckiest son of a bitch who ever walked the planet.

Aaron Lebowitz

Miriam, I have done a lot for you over the years. I jumped onto a subway track to retrieve your third favorite hat. I came to your apartment at four a.m. to kill a cockroach -- turned out to be a raisin. I’ve euthanized three of your elderly pets. I wrung out your wet bras on hotel terraces. I wrestled a Turkish police officer to the ground. I kept Ethel Merman away from you!

Susie Myerson

She saw a nervous breakdown and turned it into a career.

Miriam "Midge" Maisel

Joel Maisel: Why do you keep coming here?
Miriam "Midge" Maisel: For the patdowns.

Well, I certainly was not going to let you get married at city hall. That’s a place for third weddings when everyone’s given up on you.

Rose Weissman

You don’t take my calls. You won’t call me back. What are we, married?

Susie Myerson

I love everything about you. I love that you are on time. I love that you hang pictures straight and always, without measuring, perfectly centered. I love that you don’t lose money. I love that you never stain a wooden spoon. I love that you lift with your legs. And I love that I am your wife.


Everyone thinks it’s the ladies who are scared, but we have mothers, best friends, rabbis, school nurses, magazines scaring the shit out of us, the minute we get our first period. We’re ready. The men, however…

Shirley Maisel

However you like to make it is how I like to take it.

Joel Maisel

Esther Maisel: Ah, too much talking!
Miriam "Midge" Maisel: Boy, are you in the wrong family, kid.

I don’t know what grown women talk like. I deal with comics.

Susie Myerson

The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel Season 5 Quotes

Miriam "Midge" Maisel: Does anyone really read corrections?
Abe Weissman: Of course they do. I start every paper reading the corrections, that’s how you know who the idiots are.

Miriam "Midge" Maisel: They act like they’ve never seen a Jewish mother before.
Ethan Maisel: Well, it’s Israel, Mama, helicopters suddenly appearing in the sky make people very nervous.