Feelings are good, Alicia. Don't ever let anyone tell you how to feel.


I guess if you find the right woman, you'll do anything for her.


Jordan: Scott, I'm really sorry about how things turned out between us.
Scott: Yeah? Well you got what you wanted.

Topher: Are you OK?
Ragosa: No. I am not OK. I made a huge, massive mistake. You see these big speeches in the movies and it looks cool, and the guy gets the girl and the job and the music plays? Well, it ain't happening! There is no music. I am so, so screwed! What the hell was I thinking?
Topher: Clearly, you had some things to get off your chest.
Ragosa: I couldn't have waited? He was 30 seconds away from firing me. I would have had a severance package, I would have had COBRA insurance. Do you have any idea how much insurance costs for a year for a family?
Topher: Absolutely. About twenty grand. You know we don't get insurance here.

TC: I've seen a lot of people die. You never get used to it, but you learn to live with it.
Jordan: T, you did everything you could.
TC: See, if I did everything I could, I would have saved her.

Just getting him back for all those years of torturing us. You got to break this pony, and put a saddle on him. You down for some hazing?


Ragosa: Mmm, mmm, mmm. Legs like a gazelle on that one.
Kenny: That's incredibly inappropriate.
Ragosa: I'm not the boss anymore. I am a physician's assistant now.
Kenny: Ah, yeah. Emphasis on the word assistant.

What happened to the good ole days of hiding cocaine up your butt?


That's the problem with battlefield docs. They think they can do anything.


Ragosa: I have to say, as an administrator, these shenanigans would have driven me nuts. I'm having such a great time. Who knew this ER could have such a quiet night, huh?
Topher: What's wrong with you? Don't ever say the Q word!
Ragosa: What? I just...
Topher: Hey...shhhh... you don't talk about fight club, you don't talk about a no hitter and you never ever mention the Q word in an ER. You will jinx it.
Ragosa: Sorry. I didn't know. I didn't know!

[to Kenny] Even I would look ripped in your scrub top. What is this, a boy's small?


Ragosa: I did it because, um, I wanted to do one decent thing in this job before I quit.
Administrator: You're quitting?
Ragosa: Yeah. I quit. I don't wanna do this job anymore. I had a piece of my brain
removed to give to my tumor. Most people could barely recite the alphabet after that, but I have all of my faculties and I refuse to push paper at a place where everybody hates me! Aaaah. This feels so good. You have no idea how good it feels to finally do what you want to do. Yes. Yes. I quit and I could not be happier.

The Night Shift Quotes

Feelings are good, Alicia. Don't ever let anyone tell you how to feel.


Ragosa: I did it because, um, I wanted to do one decent thing in this job before I quit.
Administrator: You're quitting?
Ragosa: Yeah. I quit. I don't wanna do this job anymore. I had a piece of my brain
removed to give to my tumor. Most people could barely recite the alphabet after that, but I have all of my faculties and I refuse to push paper at a place where everybody hates me! Aaaah. This feels so good. You have no idea how good it feels to finally do what you want to do. Yes. Yes. I quit and I could not be happier.