Wow. Things I never thought I'd be doing. Feeding a vampire. My 16 year old self would think I'm really cool right now.


Careful, Sabine, or Celeste, or whatever you like to call yourself. Sudden moves make me jumpy and homicidal.


Cami: Why am I here?
Elijah: Because of all the people who could be here, you're probably the only one he wouldn't immediately slaughter.

Hey there, witch bitch.


God wasn't powerful because he was right. He was right because he was powerful.


I don't want to be afraid of what my brother will do to me for loving you.


If this entire lot dies, who will be left to eat?


I'm going to find the witch who did this and then I'm going to do what I do best.


[to Oliver] Beg your pardon...I was expecting someone...furrier.


Kieran: You've got to be kidding me.
Klaus: A vampire is trying to reverse a witch's hex placed on you and it's the cup you find sacreligious.

Cami: I'm not--
Klaus: A monster?
Cami: I'm not stupid. If there's a war going on, I want to be on the winning side.

Josh isn't dead yet? Well, good on him! I love a good survival story!


The Originals Season 1 Quotes

I may be old, Elijah, but I'm hardly senile.


Over the course of my long life, I have come to believe that we are bound forever to those with whom we share blood. And while we may not choose our family, that bond can be our greatest strength, or our deepest regret. This unfortunate truth has haunted me for as long as I can recall.


The Originals Season 1 Music

  Song Artist
Song Too Late M83 iTunes
Freaks The Hawk In Paris iTunes
Bones MS MR iTunes