Dr. Finn: Porn addiction is a disease just like any other so we need to treat his condition with compassion and understanding.
Bortus: Is there an injection I can receive to cure this disease?
Klyden: You have had enough injections.

Dr. Finn: Couple's counseling helps married people, such as yourselves, discuss and resolve conflicts with the goal of improving your long-term relationship. I'm here to guide that process.
Bortus: Will we select our own weapons?
Dr. Finn: No, that's not how it works.

Dr Finn: Do either of you understand why you're here?
Bortus: Because the Captain has ordered it.
Dr. Finn: Technically, yes. But do you know why the Captain has ordered you to attend couple's counseling?
Klyden: So I do not stab Bortus again.
Dr. Finn: That is one of our goals, yes.

Kitan: It looks so sad and lonely.
Isaac: The penchant for biological lifeforms to anthropomorphize inanimate objects is irrational. I am quite certain the planet is unaware of its solitary status.

Here's my theory. A woman can't really love a man unless he's part-dope. Be a little stupid every day and really stupid once in a while but just don't be perfect.


Grayson: Go ahead, say it.
Mercer: Say what?
Grayson: Whatever snarky jab you're about to make.
Mercer: I saw him in the mess hall using both hands to sip his tea.

Isaac: Perhaps compulsory consumption of further quantities of alcohol would diminish his desire for the substance?
Dr. Finn: Pour booze down his throat until he can't handle any more?
Isaac: Precisely.
Dr. Finn: Yeah, that's called murder, Isaac. That's not gonna work.

Dr. Finn: I'm starting to think that I suck at this parenting thing.
Isaac: I must agree with that assessment.

Bortus: There is a young officer under my command who I have noticed also has no mate. If you wish, I will order him to mate with you.
Kitan: Wow, that is the sweetest and most totally wrong thing anyone has ever said to me.
Bortus: I have no reason to doubt his seed is fertile.

I am led to understand that you are a failure in the practice on mating.


Dr. Finn: He's not sick. He's just growing up and I can't stop it.
Isaac: Are there not chemical compounds that could effectively stunt his physical development?
Dr. Finn: My gosh, what is the matter with you?
Isaac: I am merely trying to assist.

Isaac: Very good, Ty, you have been practicing.
Ty: Yeah, Mom makes me practice a half-hour every day. How long did it take you to learn piano?
Isaac: Approximately one-millionth of a nanosecond.

The Orville Season 2 Quotes

Mercer: Y'know what the worst days are, Olix? The days when you can't stay busy. No Krill confrontations. No spatial anomalies. Just nothing going on. And all your thoughts just march inward.
Olix: So most days.

Mercer: How long you had that thing?
Bartender: I had the computer replicate it last week. I'm trying to warm the place up a little bit, y'know? Get a nice vibe going.
Mercer: The late-night-jazz-depressed-guy-at-the-bar vibe? I can help you with that.