We walk arm and arm toward peace and love for united we can conquer all.

Blue Bus

Nobody has been more loyal. It is your turn to walk through that door and give.

Good Leader

Rush job for a car? It's like you want me to hate you.


Alison: It's time to celebrate!
Jane: Just don't go crazy.
Mark: It's Purge night!
Jane: Exactly.

Talbot sells peace, but she only delivers death.


Nick: It really is a beautiful place you have here.
Albert: I'd give it all up for a grandchild.

Me? I help the poor once a year. April 15th. I'm just kidding. I don't pay taxes.


Miguel: You guys are here filming the violence. Drive in there!
Brit: That's why God invented zoom lenses.

How is any of this OK? We just saw a man get shot right in front of us. We just stood there. We did nothing!


So, do you notify HR about my promotion, or is that on me?


The Purge Season 1 Episode 3 Quotes

Nobody has been more loyal. It is your turn to walk through that door and give.

Good Leader

We walk arm and arm toward peace and love for united we can conquer all.

Blue Bus