Dr. Melfi: It sounds to me like Anthony Jr. may have stumbled onto existentialism.
Tony: Fucking Internet.

Oh, look at my wife over there. No, wait, Ton' the neighbor's Saint Bernard is on your property.

Big Pussy

Psychiatry and cunnilingus brought us to this!


Ma, I'll never understand that. The phone is an auditory thing, dark is an eye thing. I can understand not going out after dark. You get jumped in the shadows, whatever, but not answering the phone after dark?


Paulie: The Skip seeing a psychiatrist, how does that sit with your ass?
Silvio: I usually do sit with my ass. Why don't you sit with yours?

(sees blow on guy's moustache) Don't you even own a mirror? You look like you've been French kissing the Pillsbury Doughboy.


Meadow: Socially, I don't know. This one girl told me there's this saying, "Bates is the world's most expensive form of contraception."
Tony: Hey, what kind of talk is that? You mean the girls at the other colleges we've been to, they just put out?

Guys today have no room for the penal experience.


(to Georgie) You and my mother are like two peas in a pod. She can't master the phone either, but she's 70 years old. What's your fucking excuse?


Father Phil: You know what's remarkable? If you take everything Jesus ever said, add it up, it only amounts to two hours of talk.
Carmela: No. No, but wait. I heard the same thing about The Beatles. Except it was, if you add up all their songs it only comes to ten hours.

Bakery Clerk: You motherfucker! You shot my foot!
Christopher: It happens.

(to Dr. Melfi) I gave my little daughter a car to rub her face in shit, and you're telling me I did something noble.


The Sopranos Quotes

(to Mahaffey) That's a shame. A medication comes along after your gambling gets your fucking hip busted to shit.

Big Pussy

Dr. Melfi: Have you ever had a prostate exam?
Tony: Are you kidding? I don't let anyone wag their finger in my face.