Christopher: Brendan's dead. His brains are floatin' in his bathtub. Message job, through the eye.
Big Pussy: Moe Greene Special.

Christopher: This ain't negotiation time. This is Scarface, final scene, fuckin' bazookas under each arm, "say hello to my little friend!"
Silvio: Always with the scenarios.

Larry: Hey, now you got Bloomfield and the union chair.
Tony: Otherwise, you'd fuck me, Larry, but you wouldn't respect me no more.

Tony: I'm having second thoughts.
Dr. Melfi: About?
Tony: This whole thing. This whole arrangement. Security. I mean I come here, I tell you things, I don't know how safe it is.
Dr. Melfi: I understand your concerns. But I told you what the ground rules are. As long as I don't hear anything incriminating-
Tony: You don't fucking get it. Being here incriminates me. Somebody sees me-they tell somebody else. All of a sudden I'm a celebrity.

Randal: You couldn't prescribe something?
Dr. Melfi: I'm your date, not your doctor.

You heard about the Chinese godfather? He made them an offer they couldn't understand.


Tony: What the hell are you doing?
Vin: (peeing) This place is an hour away from my office.
Tony: An hour? What are you, a woman? Get a bladder transplant. My mother lives here.

Don't ever say you hate life. That's blasphemy.


Tony: Who are you?
Dr. Melfi: Why is that so important for you to know?
Tony: You know my mother told me never to answer a question with a question.
Dr. Melfi: So your mother did teach you something.
Tony: Look, if I asked you about your life, who you talk to, who you trust
Dr. Melfi: I'd have to take the fifth.

The Sopranos Season 1 Episode 4 Quotes

Christopher: This ain't negotiation time. This is Scarface, final scene, fuckin' bazookas under each arm, "say hello to my little friend!"
Silvio: Always with the scenarios.

Christopher: Brendan's dead. His brains are floatin' in his bathtub. Message job, through the eye.
Big Pussy: Moe Greene Special.