Dr. Melfi: Do you want to tell me what you're thinking?
Tony: Believe me you don't want to know. You want to know what I'm thinkin'. Seriously. I'm thinking I'd like to take a brick and smash your fucking face into fucking hamburger.
Dr. Melfi: Do you think making hamburger out of me would make you feel better?
Tony: Mother of Christ. Is this a woman thing? You ask me how I'm feeling. I tell you how I'm feeling and now you're going to torture me with it.

Some people are so far behind in the race that they actually believe they're leading.


(to Junior upon hearing that he had another uncle) I remember my mother and my father arguing about something and she kept talking about my father's feeble minded brother and I always thought she meant you.


(on Silvio) Don't let him scare you. He's not really a nasty fuck. He's an incredibly nasty fuck.


Dr. Melfi: Now that you found out that you have a retarded family member, do you feel better about coming here?
Tony: What?
Dr. Melfi: Is it permissable now? Is it enough of a sad tragedy that you can join the rest of the douchebags?

Acting is mostly feelings unless the actor's driving a car or sword fighting or something.


Christopher: It's my scene. The gentleman caller guy is not me.
Drama Teacher: It's not supposed to be. That's why they call it acting.

(sees blow on guy's moustache) Don't you even own a mirror? You look like you've been French kissing the Pillsbury Doughboy.


(to AJ after he throws a phone) Forgot to tell you I got a job at Radio Shack. Product testing. Giving that phone a F for durability.


(to Richie) There are men in the can, better lookin' than my sister.


Christopher: (on seeing Furio) What the fuck! Is he on vacation?
Paulie: Yeah, he saw a travel poster for sunny New Jersey.

Christopher: (practicing for drama class) He's a player and he's trying to fuck this broad.
Adriana: Where does it say he's trying to fuck her, Christopher?
Christopher: Please.
Adriana: Maybe he's not. Ya ever think that's why he's the gentleman caller? Maybe he's a gentleman.

The Sopranos Season 2 Quotes

Dr. D'Alessio: I've seen The Godfather and Analyze This, and I don't need that for my practice right now.
Tony: Analyze This? That's a fuckin' comedy!

Tony: You look good, tan.
Big Pussy: Yeah, right...
Tony: The tan ghost.
Big Pussy: You're a good guy Tony, but you abuse that jokey shit.