[to Bonnie] This isn't us.


I'm human. I have to do human stuff. Otherwise, I'm going to go crazy.


Elena: It's not going to get any easier, is it?
Stefan: No. It's not.

Stefan: Maybe they're ninja turtles. Or zombies. Werewolves.
Damon: This is reality, and there's no such thing as werewolves.

[to Elena] Whatever happens, it's on you.


I told you what would happen if anyone else got hurt.


I'm a m-m-murderer. I'm a monster!


[to Damon] You manipulated me, you pushed me around, abused me, erased my memories, fed on me.


Are you worried that all the forest animals will band together and fight back? After all, they talk.

Damon [to Stefan]

He doesn't want to feel, he wants to be hated. It's just easier that way. He got his wish. I hate him, Stefan.


Elena: You scared me.
Damon: Just doing my part in the neighborhood watch.

Kiss me or kill me. We both know you're only capable of one.


The Vampire Diaries Season 2 Quotes

He kissed Katherine, not me. I wouldn't do that.

Elena [to Stefan]

Katherine wants you dead, there's zero you can do about it. You will be dead.
