I've never had soda from a can before.


I've never been in a high school before.


We haven't talked about that thing.


Stay behind me.


You better not be sticking your middle finger up at the walkie.


Parker: I can't get what we did out of my head.
Elizabeth: Stand at attention. You know what we did, Parker. You know exactly what we did, so tell me, say it.
Parker: We neutralized a threat.
Elizabeth: That's right.
Parker: Ma'am, with respect, they didn't seem like a threat.

Elizabeth: We have energy, water, medicine, transport, a council, the courts, schools, culture, currency, economy, agriculture, manufacturing, rule. We are the last light of the world. We are the last hope, and we, us, we enable this population of over 200,000 souls to live to create the future. They didn't seem like a threat? They were going to be.
Parker: I don't know if I believe that.
Elizabeth: Sit down, Parker. I'll get you some soup.

Elizabeth: Answer it. Go on. You will be remanded to the CRM health and welfare complex until you are deemed ready to serve again, albeit in a labor-oriented capacity.
Parker: I don't think I'll ever be ready to serve again.
Elizabeth: Then you won't be leaving the complex.
Parker: Do you think about how many died?
Elizabeth: We are the light of the world.
Parker: That's a lie. That's a god damn lie. You know what we did.

Iris, let us help.


Felix: I mean, he was risking the whole alliance by sending those. The Civic Republic doesn't play.
Huck: You really think he may be in some kind of trouble? That Will is? None of his messages said the CR were bad people. Just saying.
Felix: Maybe the facility is in trouble, maybe their whole community is. I don't know.
Huck: Say what you will.
Felix: What, that they are bunch of black wearing paranoids, light years ahead of us in manufacturing fuel and chicory.

Huck: Say what you will, but they handle their shit. You sure they headed East?
Felix: This road's a straight shot, and you know what's Eat.
Huck: It's a funnel. It will stop them. The second they catch sight of it, they'll be glad they still have a home to go back to.

You find yourself face-to-face with one of the dead. To eliminate the threat, you go straight for the brain. A direct stab through the eye-socket is the easiest way.


The Walking Dead: World Beyond Season 1 Quotes

I was a little kid. I can barely remember the night the sky fell, let alone what the world was like before.


I live for my mom, who died that night, ten years ago today, like so many others. And I live for my father, who is far away, doing important work that will one day benefit us all. We're ten years in now, ten years. I was a little kid, I can barely remember the night the sky fell, let alone what the world was like before. We still live behind walls, and the dead still have this world. And I think that with everything that went away, everything we lost, everyone we lost, some people think it can happen again. Some people think that what we have can't last. Some can't believe. But I'm certain of our home, and our home city, and our alliance with Portland, Civic Republic, and I am certain of what's ahead. We are monuments to the past, but everyone here, all of you, you are the future. We are the future.
