T-Dog: Guess the world changed.
Guillermo: No. It's the same as it ever was: the weak get taken.

Daryl: You've got some balls for a Chinaman.
Glenn: I'm Korean.
Daryl: Whatever.

Who voted you King Boss?

Jim [to Shane]

Daryl: I aint so worried about some dumb dead bastard.
Rick: What about a thousand dumb dead bastards. Different story?

No crying in the boat. It scares the fish.


The world ended. Didn't you get the memo?


Four men, four rounds. What are the odds, huh? Let's just hope four is your lucky number.


What he would or wouldn't do doesn't interest me. I can't let a man die of thirst, me. Thirst and exposure. We left him like an animal caught in a trap. That's no way for anything to die, let alone a human being.


You take that stupid hat and go back to "On Golden Pond."

Daryl [to Dale]

Glenn: Thought I'd get to drive at least for a few more days.
Rick: Maybe we'll get to steal another one someday.

Maybe we got a second chance. Not many people get that.


Words can be meager things. Sometimes they fall short.


The Walking Dead Season 1 Quotes

Shane: What's the difference between men and women.
Rick: Is this a joke?
Shane: No serious. I've never met a woman who knew how to turn off the light. Born thinking the switch only goes one way: on.

Hey you. Dumbass. Yeah, you in the tank. Cozy in there?

Voice on the Radio