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The Walking Dead is based on a graphic novel by the same name. It focuses on a group of survivors that must live in a world overgrown with zombies.

It's also the highest-rated show on television. By a long shot.

Due to great acting, shocking deaths, a lot of blood, suspense and violence, The Walking Dead simply rakes in viewers. It's a TV Fanatic favorite and it should be added to your Must DVR list.

Tune in to The Walking Dead Sundays on AMC.

By Lisa Babick

Manipulative masterminds, ruthless killers, and unpredictable forces of chaos, these psychopaths haunt your nightmares long after the credits roll.

By Michael Arangua

You know you’ve made it in showbusiness, not win you win the Emmy, but when you become a meme legend! Here are 17 of the best TV-based memes based on iconic TV scenes.