As hard as it must be for you to remember your sister, what's worse for me is that your mother doesn't. She has a daughter she doesn't even know existed.

Christopher [to Lucy]

I just wanted to turn a wrench, make my mother's life a little easier. Like you.

Mason [to Rufus]

Lucy: One time he paid 1,000 pounds, which would be like $80,000 today, for one bottle of wine.
Wyatt: Who does that?
Rufus: A grade-A douche-nozzle.

Lucy: I know I should be getting used to all this but this one ...
Wyatt: What, that's it's George Washington or that he might want to kill us?
Lucy: Both.

Washington [to Rufus]: You're a free man.
Rufus: And a hell of a spy. I'm very unassuming.

You help me get Benedict Arnold, no more Rittenhouse, no more chasing me through time, your wife's killer found, everybody wins.


Rufus: This makes us a bunch of Benedict Arnolds, you know that?
Wyatt: You've had better jokes.
Rufus: Well, I'm nervous.

By chasing Rittenhouse, I've done terrible things, become something else. I can't bring that into my home. What kind of husband or father can I be after what I've done?

Flynn [to Lucy]

John Rittenhouse: My father says peasants are like the hands of a clock, round and round they go.
Lucy: What does that mean?
John: A peasant is no more capable of choosing his own path than the hands of a clock.
Lucy: Who chooses the path for them?
John: The clockmaker, of course.

Timeless Season 1 Episode 10 Quotes

I just wanted to turn a wrench, make my mother's life a little easier. Like you.

Mason [to Rufus]

As hard as it must be for you to remember your sister, what's worse for me is that your mother doesn't. She has a daughter she doesn't even know existed.

Christopher [to Lucy]