Politically I am basically a lesbian. I see male privilege everywhere and I would totally love to be a lesbian. But I am not a dyke I am totally into dudes.


Professor: The masculine insists to cut things up with exclamation points, which are in and of themselves are small rapes. The way an exclamation point may end a sentence and say stop talking woman.
Syd: Have you ever been raped by an exclamation point?
Ali: Actually once I was gang raped, question mark, exclamation point and and semicolon.
Syd: That's brutal. It's very under-reported.

You can change if your magic. Is grampa magic?
Sarah: Yes yeah. He..she's magic.
Tammy: You need to steer the ship here.
Sarah. Okay its not really magic. Anyone really can do it.

Maura:I saw so much of myself in you when you were just young and growing up. and experimenting in your gender confusion
Ali:What do you mean my gender confusion?
Maura:Oh you know you were such a tomboy, initiative her initiative there, neither here nor their. Some people say it runs in the blood.

And happy sexy Sunday to you and one single malt coming right up.


It just means we all have to start over.


Sarah: Do you love me?
Tammy: Yes
Sarah: Then tell her about me.

Did my parents know that we were, what we were doing? They didn't fire you? So they were cool with what we were doing? They never tried to stop it? Did they discuss it with you? I have a right to know the answers to these questions.


Oh that. Of course I knew that. You think I am a dummy. Its his thing. Its his little private kink.


Shelley: Are those Jewish books?
Raquel: Hot off the presses 2500 years ago.
Shelley: No. He wouldn't like that. He likes Dean Koontz. Got any Dean Koontz?

I got your APB. Individual in question was just spotted down the street hanging at the 7-11, making what the kids call a suicide.


Yeah, we probably should because the temple is sending over a Rabbi later to check on me and if they find out he is missing I'll be the talk of the temple. The lady who misplaced her husband.
