No one has ever seen me except me.


I love you. And I am feeling so ready and open and honest right now. But I am afraid that I am making this shit up in my head and that you are not coming with me and that you are just gonna delay delay and delay.


I started calling her Moppa. Like momma and poppa.


It's inspiring. I am so glad you get to be who you are. That's who we should all be.


Sarah: You know that thing you do when you are falling in love.
Mort: Not really.

In five years you are gonna look up and none of your family are gonna be there. Not one.


This is a really big journey that you are on and you just started it so you have got to learn to let go of what anybody thinks of you.


My whole life I have been dressing up as a man. This is me.


I don't know how it is that I raised three people that cannot see beyond themselves.
