You, an adultress, don't trust me?

Mary [to Anna]

There's not much we don't know about each other.


Deception, betrayal, chaos. These are the enemies we face. The enemies of truth.

Maj. Hewlett

Why don't you take a seat.

Maj. Hewlett (to Pvt. Woodhull)

Gen. Clinton (to Arnold): If he gets himself killed, it's your fault.
Arnold: I'll be personally responsible for Woodhull's safety.

Col. Cooke: As the good book says, 'eat, drink and be merry'...
Townsend(sotto voce): ...For tomorrow we die

Pvt. Woodhull: I've already joined the Legion; I won't desert them, or the general.
Gen. Arnold: We'll manage.

Abe was courageous enough to try and rescue you.

Mary (to Caleb)

I'm a man now.

Cisero (to his mother)

I've come to see Benedict Arnold and get justice.

Pvt. Woodhull

We shall bring the colonies to the brink of destruction.

Col. Simcoe

We are never going to see battle.

Pvt. Sturrage(to Abe)