You got a delivery while you were out. I signed for it, so I hope it's nothing illegal.


Punching out your employees? Even I know not to do that in public, Daniel!


I'm not worried. Someone will marry me. Or make me a part of their entourage. Oh, oh, or make a reality show about me! It's all good.


Old people usually scare me because they remind me of death and all. But I like you. You're like a giant, knobby shade tree.


So I was at The Gates last night and that dad from Jon & Kate Plus 8 was there—I think his name is Ben. Anyway, he was totally hitting on me, of course. And P.S. Plus 8? More like Plus 4.


That's a muffin! You can't call a tape dispenser with a muffin!


Betty's waddling around here somewhere. Last I saw she was tossing carbs around the office with wild abandon!


I'm sorry. All those facelifts must have affected your speech. What do you say?


Wake up and smell the aromatherapy, Betty! Being an assistant is boot camp. Being an editor is war. You have your allies, you have your enemies. Oftentimes, you can't tell which is which.


Oh, and malaria—really?! Like I would ever put disease-ridden poor people in the pages of this magazine.


Get away from me, you bloated troll.


No, Marc, you can't use my bathroom. No one uses my bathroom, not even me!


Ugly Betty Season 4 Episode 1 Quotes

No, Marc, you can't use my bathroom. No one uses my bathroom, not even me!


Morning! I come bearing dry cleaning—extra plastic for the landfills. Just like you like it.
