Detective Bill Taba: What are you doing?
Detective Jeb Pyre: Proving to those inside that I’m a Mormon before I’m a cop.

I acknowledge and accept that you are indeed the man of this house and as such you are priesthood holder, but don’t you ever forget it’s me who chooses if or when I ever hold your priesthood again.

Rebecca Pyre

Heavenly Father’s laws are black or white. Brenda -- well, she’s an ugly shade of grey.

Sarah Lafferty

Ask ye of God, not me.

Samuel Lafferty

Our sweet wives all being told that by having dozens of children that would somehow make them more holy more righteous. Lately, I’ve started to wonder -- isn’t that just another surrender that we push them into, in the name of God? I certainly didn’t see it like that at the time -- that I was building Brenda a new cage, a prison -- but I was, wasn’t I? But after I locked her in there, once she became pregnant, her heart changed shape.

Allen Lafferty

Under the Banner of Heaven Season 1 Episode 3 Quotes

I acknowledge and accept that you are indeed the man of this house and as such you are priesthood holder, but don’t you ever forget it’s me who chooses if or when I ever hold your priesthood again.

Rebecca Pyre

Detective Bill Taba: What are you doing?
Detective Jeb Pyre: Proving to those inside that I’m a Mormon before I’m a cop.