Ivar: I am not just descended from the gods. No, the fact is Hvitserk, Ivar the Boneless is a god.
Freydis: He is a god, and I am carrying his divine child.

Lagertha: I wish I could help.
Heahmund: Even now, the forces of Satan are gathering to strike. That is why you are here. To help me fight against the devil.

Alfred: There are important people here who do not want me to grant land to those who in the past have attacked and raided us.
Ubbe: So why would we fight for you when everything you say is just a lie?
Alfred: I am not lying. I am being more honest with you than you have any right to expect. You have thrown yourself upon my mercy, so do not presume anymore upon my charity. When I can, I will grant you that land.

Bjorn: Imagine how famous King Alfred will be when he shows the Saxons our heads. And the best part about it is we gave it to him on a plate!
Lagertha: I still cannot believe that he has betrayed us.
Bjorn: And I cannot believe the famous Lagertha has proved to be a fool for love.

Ivar is not kind to you. In the end, he will kill you. So the only choice my love is to kill him first. You are not a coward, are you?


Harald: This is all about the kingship. He takes a wife, produces an heir, and then in his eyes, Kattegat is his forever.
Hvitserk: A good plan, except for one thing.
Harald: What one thing?
Margrethe: He can't produce children. He is boneless.

Rollo: You know perfectly well why I am here offering you this.
Lagertha: Do I?
Rollo: Yes. You know I have always loved you Lagertha. And that Bjorn is my son.
Lagertha: He is not your son.
Rollo: You cannot deny it to my face. Can you? Can you.

Ivar: We obviously want to reward you for what you have done for us.
Rollo: Don't worry, you will. We will strike a trade deal which will be extremely favorable to me. We will also make an alliance for our mutual defense so that if I am attacked by anyone, you will send warriors to support me.

Rollo: Of course Bjorn Ironside lives, I taught him to fight! Who can kill him?
Ivar: There is someone else who is still alive. The woman that haunts my days and nights.

I don't want to leave my country and my home. I am tired of fighting, and yet, let's do it. Let's go to England.


Heahmund: In my faith, the Bishop of the Holy Church must be celibate. I cannot acknowledge you. I cannot openly live with you.
Lagertha: Does that make you sad?
Heahmund: What do you think?
Lagertha: Well I hope it makes you sad.

Heahmund: I have no intention of dying, not today, not yet. I'm not ready.
Lagertha: You still think it's up to you whether you live or die.
Heahmund: Yes.
Lagertha: I think I might die this day.
Heahmund: No.

Vikings Season 5 Quotes

Ivar: Stay. We need you just as much as my father needed you, but instead you choose to run away, you coward.
Floki: Stand up and say that to my face.

Floki: I have to leave Ivar. With Helga gone, there's nothing left for me here. This world no longer interests me. That's why I must submit myself to the tides, and the winds, and the will of the gods. Come what may.
Ivar: My heart is broken.
Floki: It will repair.