Bandit: Lagertha. Shield Maiden. Queen of Kattegat. Your son banished me, took away everything I had. My family, my pride, my identity. He thought i would just crawl away to the forest and die like some animal. That is not my way. I fought for Ivar but in other circumstances, I would have fought for Bjorn or for you. I am Viking. Bjorn did this to me. I can never get rid of it, but now I can win back my self respect. I can kill you, Lagertha, the most famous shield maiden in all the world. And I will.
Lagertha: My son didn’t brand you for being loyal to Ivar. He branded you for being disloyal to Ragnar and everything Ragnar stood for, and if I have to die for what Ragnar and I believed in, it is worth it.
Bandit: Good, then be prepared.

Harald: Tonight, we will feast together, all of us. I hope you will join us. I will need your advice and your experience and your strength in the months and the years to come.
Bjorn: I’ll be there.
Harald: Thank you, thank you all. Tonight, there is a grand feast.

Gunnhild: You were right.
Lagertha: Not a cause for satisfaction.

Ivar: Who are these?
Oleg: The guards who allowed my brother to escape.

Never before have we voted for a king who will lead all of Norway.


Let's see what she's up to!


Igor: You look like you've seen a ghost.
Ivar: Believe me, I have.

You have betrayed me for the second time in your life.


You can be very useful to me, but don't every betray me.


Now we all have to fight again.


It is time to elect a king and what better man than you, Bjorn Ironside?

King Olaf

Odin will take you to Valhalla.


Vikings Season 6 Quotes

People of Kattegat. I told you that when I became King, my rule would be very different from that of Ivar's. And I mean to keep that pledge, Ivar built a wall around our town. He discouraged foreigners, outlawed free speech, and descent amongst our own people. Kattegat can only survive and grow prosperous through trade. Not conquest. That is my belief. This is your meeting. Your chance to come to me with whatever you want, and I will listen. I am but your humble servant.


Bjorn: We have embarked on a new way of life here. That was always my commitment as King. To build the most successful trading station in all of Scandinavia. But I will need your continued support. I need my family. Mother?
Lagertha: I wish you well in your enterprise my dear son, and I'm sure you will succeed, but in the future, you will have to do it without me.
Bjorn: I don't understand. Why won't you stay?
Lagertha: I have seen enough of war. I have seen enough of death. I have lost so many. I don't want to be a public person anymore. I don't want to be responsible. I desire to live a totally different kind of life.
Bjorn: How can you do that?
Lagertha: I plan to build farmstead. Just like the one Ragnar and I lived in when we were first married. Where we were all so happy.