Don: Why are you being such a bitch?
Brie: Say that again.

Don: I'm sorry if I did something to upset you.
Brie: Upset me? You raped me. And you're the one who should've suffered. and you know what? For all the other women in your life, I can't let that stand.

Charmaine: He's going to leave me.
Mel: Whose leaving you?
Charmaine: Todd! I'm going to lose my babies.
Mel: No, you're not going to lose your babies the ambulance is coming. Charmaine: This is karma, I'm being punished. Mel: No, honey you're not being punished.
Charmaine: It's because I lied.
Jack: What?
Charmaine: The twins, they're not your babies.

Lizzie, the reason I can't be in a relationship is because I don't have a future. I have Huntington's Disease which is terminal.


Mel: Maybe if I leave, then Cameron will stay and you won't have to find a replacement.
Doc: What do you mean if you leave?
Mel: Look, I only want to do what's best for you, so I've decided to resign.

Jack: I'm so proud of you.
Ricky: Thanks, I'm just really stressed out.I feel like a coward.

Mike: You're a free man.
Brady: What?
Mike: It turns out Deputy Howard was helping Calvin launder money.
Brady: How did you figure that out?
Mike: Brie.

Jack: I don't care what that email says. I love you, and I'm going to love our baby so much.
Mel: I love you too. I'm sorry.
Jack: What?
Mel: We wouldn't have been in this position if it wasn't for me.
Jack: No, hey this is not your fault. I never thought that I never will.
Mel: If I hadn't gone to the clinic.
Jack: If I never broke up with you. We are not here because of you. We're here because of us. It might not be perfect but we are together that's the only thing that matters. You and me. We got this okay.

Cameron: There's something that I need to tell you. I know we haven't known each other for very long, but I feel like we've gotten quite close, and if I'm being completely honest, I care about you probably more than I should--
Mel: Oh, Cameron--
Cameron: This is not about us. It's about Jack. I wouldn't have said anything, but now that you're pregnant, I'm concerned. When he didn't show up... when your baby is born you're going to need someone to count on. Someone to be there for you.

Brady: I love Brie, and she does not deserve this.
Mel: I know. Nobody does.

Jack: Anybody else would've given up on me by now. But you didn't. You pulled me back from somewhere really dark.
Mel: Yeah, well you did the same for me.
Jack: And I would do it again.

Mel, from the moment I set eyes on you I knew you were special. When I walked you home from the bar that night to Hopes rickety old cabin, I didn't want to say goodnight. I didn't want to leave your side, and as I've fallen deeper and deeper in love with you, my feelings have only grown stronger, so if you let me, I want to spend the rest of my life making you the happiest woman on earth, so what I'm asking you, Mel Monroe, is will you marry me?


Virgin River Season 4 Quotes

Mel: I'm pregnant.
Joey: You're pregnant?
Mel: Yeah, I'm pregnant, and I don't know who the father is.

Hope: Is Lily mad at me?
Doc: Why would you ask that?
Hope: Because she hasn't come over. I called her twice, and she hasn't called me back.