I'll use everything on the shelf to save Myka even you.


Myka, I don't want you to leave me, okay?


Pete: Claude, I've got an idea.
Claudia: It's a great idea.
Artie: Pete has an idea?
Claudia: He's a smart guy when he's not thinking about cookies or boobies

Do you have something else to do besides look doubtful?


You're wasting your time Voldemort. I'm as much a part of this Warehouse as you are and it won't let you kill me.


Steve: Try and fight his control of your body!
Claudia: Oh my God Steve, what a great idea! I wish I'd thought of that! I can't fight it.

So you risked the Warehouse and the world just to save me.


Pete: Wait Jinxy. Costume rentals!
Steve: NO!
Pete: Come on! You could be a Knight.
Steve: Or not. Not is also an option.
Pete: I thought Halloween was like gay Christmas. You don’t like costumes?
Steve: I’m not a cliche. I don’t watch the Oscars either.
Pete: Really? Maybe I’m gay.

Myka: Claud, you know I just had a huge wakeup call and life is shorter than you ever think.
I can’t image life without my sister.
Claudia: So, what you’re saying is?
Myka: What’s the plan?

Claire: What’s this?
Claudia? It’s an iPad. It’s like a little computer. You can listen to music or read books. Surf the internet on it.
Claire: The internet is still around? Dad said that would be a passing fad.

Please don’t hug me. The only thing that could make this worse is you seeing me crying.


Artie: We’re family here. None of us have to go through anything alone. Ever.
[Myka hugs Artie and starts to cry] Artie: Damn it!