Pete: Okay, let's go over what we don't know.
Myka: That could take weeks.
Pete: Months.
Myka: Years.

Pete: But there's something else.
Myka: What?
Pete: I think I'm hot for your mom.

Pete: He thinks you're still in D.C. They both do.
Myka: Well, yeah. And if you tell them any differently, I swear, I will... I will drop a dictionary on your crotch.

Manage my assets better or I swear on the ashes of the first twelve Warehouses, I will take them away.

Mrs. Frederic

Artie: Look, we were following a lead.
Mrs. Frederic: You took a shot in the dark.
Artie: We hit the center of that target.
Mrs. Frederic: With a small-caliber bullet.
Artie: Pete's caliber is very large. We... you know what? I'm done with this analogy.

Artie: How long did you have before the warehouse was gonna explode?
Pete: Under a minute.
Claudia: More like thirty seconds.
Artie: That's lucky. I once got there with 17, and (Mrs. Frederic's) voice gets really annoying when she's counting down the seconds one at time.

Myka: You're good. No, you're really good. You'll be fine.
Claudia: Thanks. Hey, um, you know, if you're not busy later, maybe you could show me how to do that ka-cha kick thing? 'Cause, like I tried it on the light switch and I think I broke my toe. And I know I broke the light switch.

Artie: So am I fired?
Mrs. Frederic: Worse. They want you to stay. Bering and Lattimer are not the best agents we've ever had. You are.
Artie: They said that?
Mrs. Frederic: It was said. And they were smart enough to believe me.
Artie: Oh. Thanks.
Mrs. Frederic: Simply the facts.

Claudia: It's sealed with an Omega level security code.
Myka: Can you hack it?
Claudia: Pope, Catholic, bear, woods. You know the drill.

Pete: Okay, fine, but you stick close, and you do exactly as we say.
Claudia: All right. Suicide mission with the team. Kind of exciting. I'm excited! Come on.

Claudia: Okay, looks like the problem is in the gooery.
Pete: What's a gooery?
Myka: I'm guessing it's Claudia-speak for the neutralizer processor center.
Claudia: Uh-huh.
Pete: Right, of course.
Myka: Well, it's chapter 197 in the manual.
Pete: It's a thousand pages long. I'll wait for the movie.

Myka: We need to get back to the office.
Claudia: Oh, no need. "What are you doing wasting time installing backup terminals in the aisles, foolish red-haired girl?" Because you never know when you might need one, Artie.