Florence: Was this your idea to give me the dress that you bought for yourself? You look so beautiful in it.
Molly: And now, so do you.
Florence: Thank you for always wanting the best for me, even at your own expense. You, you really are the sister I never had, you're the mother I've forever wanted, and you are the friend that I have always needed. From the depths of those dark and terrifying coal mines, you've walked beside me, picking me up when I've stumbled along the way.
Molly: And you have done the same for me.

Ned: I, I, I don't know what she sees in me.
Henry: Well, when two people only see the good in one another or when one sees something in the other that he can't remotely see in himself, I figure that's a gift. Treasure it, Ned.
Ned: And you and she write so often.

Elizabeth: Jack might have taken the place of anyone on that mission. It just happened to be you. And I want you to know, from the bottom of my heart, I don't blame you for his death.
Nathan: Thank you.

Florence: What is it, Ned?
Ned: I have cold feet.
Florence: Then I'll just have to knit you thicker socks.
Ned: You always think the best of me.
Florence: Why wouldn't I? But, even if you had cold feet about us getting married and you simply couldn't go through with it, I will still think the best of you, and I will forever love you.
Ned: Thicker socks will be perfect.

Henry: When I sit at my desk and I look out the window across at the cafe, and I see her name, I've got nothin' but regret.
Ned: The fact that you two write each other will always stay between us.

Mr. Bouchard says he and Uncle Nathan are going to work things out between them for themselves about you.


Elizabeth: I want to know what too you so long to tell me what happened.
Nathan: I felt guilty.
Elizabeth: I don't understand.
Nathan: After the accident, I requested transfer here to Hope Valley. I never met Jack, but I knew that he left behind a wife and child. I felt that it was my responsibility to look after you, to protect you.
Elizabeth: Why would you assume that?
Nathan: I felt it was my duty. When I found myself, when I found myself falling in love with you, I felt like I was betraying Jack and his memory, that's why I didn't tell you. I fell in love with you, and I think that love is always worth fighting for.

Rosemary: Maybe he didn't think it was important enough to warrant upsetting you.
Elizabeth: Not important enough?
Rosemary: Elizabeth, Jack's death wasn't Nathan's fault. You know that, don't you?
Elizabeth: Rosemary, I just told you that nothing made sense to me, so why would you think that a comment like that would help?
Rosemary: Because it's the truth.
Elizabeth: Excuse me.

Since learning Jack was killed on a training mission on which in Nathan's stead, I've been left to reflect, once more, on the senseless accident that took his life. While questioning why Nathan kept this hidden from me for so long.


The more things change, the more things stay the same. Unfortunately, for better or worse, lately, that's not how life's been feeling to me.


Nathan: Look, Bill, I know you and Henry have had your issues in the past, but this cannot be guilt by association.
Bill: Yeah, I know.
Nathan: You know, someday when I'm asked to turn in my uniform, I might feel differently about what you're going through, but Bill, prolonging this process, it can't be helping.

You can be a hard man to read, but you're worth it, cover to cover. We know that turning in your uniform means a great deal to you, so it means a great deal to your friends because after all, you should know, the uniform doesn't make the man. As I suggested, put it on. It will fit, I promise. And do us all a favor. Put on a good show.


When Calls the Heart Season 8 Quotes

Molly: Um, what's this supposed to be?
Bill: It's chili! My Aunt Ozell's secret recipe.
Molly: Better keep it a secret. Sorry.

Fiona: Clara? What is it?
Clara: All we do is bicker. About anything. About everything. Last night, Jesse even slept in the other bedroom.