Will: Green, by the way?
Frankie: What?
Will: come on, you were trying to figure out what color my eyes are.

You have nice friends.


When I put you down, you stayed down. A real man would only be out or like, 20 seconds, right Will?


Will: You were an assassin?
Frankie: You make it sound dirty.

Will: They've probably been together for 40 years. How do you think they make it work?
Frankie: They accept each other for who they are. Two old racists.

Yeah, hey, I got eyes here on everyone from out here at the kid's table.


Jai: Hey Franchesca?
Frankie: Hm?
Jai: Whatever you decide, I got your back.

Jai: You didn't like me when we first met, in fact, you tried to kill me.
Frankie: That was work, it wasn't personal.

Will: If we're going to work together we have to start treating each other like we're family.
Frankie: Hard pass.

Edgar: You were going to kill me. We got beef.
Jai: You can't do beef.

Bad Guy: Drop your gun or your friend dies.
Frankie: We're not that tight.

Knock, knock. Guess who got a promotion?


Whiskey Cavalier Quotes

Alex: This is the FBI, there are no private moments. Look, we all know this is a pretty rough breakup.
Will: Well it wasn't that bad.
Alex: Son, we have the footage.

Hello, Dr.Conrad. Very punctual. I like that in a traitor.
