Peter: Are you okay?
Neal: No.
Peter: Do you believe him?
Neal: Right now I want to focus on taking Flynn down.

I want you to be part of my life.


And suddenly I find myself rooting for our mystery thief.


Think of it as a Kardashian. What it lacks in refinement it makes up for in cargo space.

Mozzie [about the plane]

I said the price was too high and I meant it. Your trust is too important to me.


You go half way around the world chasing something and the whole time it's in your own backyard.


Mi casa es suit casa.


Peter: We woke a giant, Neal.
Neal: You ready to take down a giant.
Peter: Don't forget your sling shot.

Sometimes we have to do things we don't like to protect the people we care about.


Mozzie: It's worse, I'm in the system.
Neal: Not quite.
Mozzie: Ivan Bliminse? The invisible man? That's appropriate.

Helen, I need to understand who he was....I need to know who I am.


Usually. But when there isn't, there's always faith... Faith that whatever the other is doing, it's for a good reason.
