Dealer: So FYI this is a service, someone's gonna deal so I serve the means of medicating the public as well as protecting communities likely to be profiled by the police. I donate all my proceeds to NAMI. The National Alliance of mental illness?
Joe Voiceover: I'm starting to think this generation might save us all.

I don't know what the fuck is wrong with me. No, I used to have my shit together.


Fuck, I've been so single-minded in my pursuit of you. Tonight my focus will be on love, it has to be because if Love is not happy we will never get a chance to be.

Joe Voiceover

I have been played. I couldn't dose Ryan because he's been dosing the whole time and his tolerance is through the roof.

Joe Voiceover

Look, it's none of my business, but your dad is not okay. He needs help.


You're loyal, that's what makes you a good person, but Love has no loyalty to anyone but herself. If anything were to happen to you, I'd never forgive myself.


Could Love have killed her first husband? I've been so worried about her hurting you that If ailed to remember I am also fair game.

Joe Voiceover

YOU Season 3 Episode 8 Quotes

What is it you think you're doing with Love Quinn?


Love: I know you're not Sherry's biggest fan.
Joe voiceover: I'd rather fuck a cactus.