You have to get up. You have to keep moving. Everything depends on you.

Dr. Teller [to Warren]

I'm getting too old for this shit!


Sketchy: She bit you.
Skeezy: Am I gonna tan?
Sketchy: No little buddy, you're gonna Z.

Negativity is infectious, man. Like a virus.


Sketchy: If things get hairy-
Skeezy: Scream like a porn star.
Sketchy: Something like that.

Kaya: What do you want? Tell me!
Citizen Z: I want to see my boy.
Kaya: Simon?
Citizen Z: Kaya.
Kaya: Jay Z, it's your father. Look at what the zombie dragged in.

Sometimes Taco Tuesday fights back.


Citizen Z: Zona soldiers just attacked us. They stole files.
Murphy: Zona? Are you sure?
Warren: Files? What did they take, exactly?
Citizen Z: Not sure. They covered their tracks.
Kaya: They were after old floppy discs. We're not sure what was on the discs, they were damaged. All we know is the name on the label of the files. Black rainbow.
Murphy: Black rainbow?
Warren: Black rainbow's real.

Who are they? Zona, whatever that is.


Murphy: What I felt, what you've been feeling. You been feeling that this whole time?
Warren: Yeah.
Murphy: Whatever it is, are we going towards it, or away from it?
Warren: I don't know.

Have any of you ever heard of Saint Teresa of Avila? There is a relic here, A bone from the finger. It's supposed to cure the sick.


Look at these two hosers. Take off, eh?


Z Nation Season 4 Quotes

Welcome to Zona. Bitchin', right?

Murphy [to Warren]

Murphy: Well, look who's back in town.
Warren: Murphy.
Murphy: Holy zompocalypse, I can't believe it. I never thought you'd wake up.