Murphy: What I felt, what you've been feeling. You been feeling that this whole time?
Warren: Yeah.
Murphy: Whatever it is, are we going towards it, or away from it?
Warren: I don't know.

I got issues.


Have any of you ever heard of Saint Teresa of Avila? There is a relic here, A bone from the finger. It's supposed to cure the sick.


Let's not cry because she's gone, but let us smile because she was here.


I've been a selfish prick my whole life, but then my little girl was born and suddenly, I wanted something for someone else. By the time I figured that out it was too late. Now my little girl is gone.


Murphy: Clowns?
Doc: Could be worse -- could be mimes.

Sarge: So what's with all the circus crap?
Mother: When the zompocalypse hit, the boys decided the wanted to form their own posse, like their heroes, the Juggalos.
Sarge: Juggalos?
Mother: Except we're the Zuggalos. We're our own thing.

Nothing good comes of anything.


Yeah, you and your posse, ya'll think you got us by our short and curlies, but when I leave you gonna be cryin' like little girlies!


Warren: Why would someone send me here to find this?
Caligari: You'll have to ask them.

Warren: How did I get this?
Caligari: That was locked up in my office.
Warren: Yes, and somehow I knew the combination, but I don't know what this is.
Caligari: If you knew what I know, you would be a VERY dangerous woman.

Why does it always have to be some crazy, evil shit? Can't we for once just find a bakery? Maybe a working donut shop? A fully stocked dispensary-is that too much to ask?


Z Nation Season 4 Quotes

Welcome to Zona. Bitchin', right?

Murphy [to Warren]

Murphy: Well, look who's back in town.
Warren: Murphy.
Murphy: Holy zompocalypse, I can't believe it. I never thought you'd wake up.