Steve: It's time for you to answer for what you did to Kayla.
Kristen: Steve. You don't want to do this. I feel for you. I really do. And I am so sorry for Kayla.
Steve: Sorry? Sorry won't bring my wife back. You know those women would need boosters to survive, and you said nothing.
Kristen: Okay, just take it easy.
Steve: You selfish, pathetic psycho. You couldn't get Brady to love you, so you decided to blackmail him. You held three lives over his head. Meanwhile, that virus was ticking away. But you didn't care, did you?
Kristen: No, I did care.
Steve: No, you didn't care! The only person you cared about was yourself! If you weren't so cold-blooded and deranged, you know Marlena would be home right now? Kate would be alive. My wife would be alive. You took away the love of my life, the mother of my children. And now you need to pay.

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