Clary: I can't let Valentine activate the soul whatever happens, you can't let him take me alive.
Simon: Alright. Clary, you're kinda freaking me out.
Clary: Trust me, I've thought about it and Magnus was right.
Simon: What are you talking about?
Clary: I would rather die than let Valentine destroy the Downworld. I need you to promise me if Valentine ever gets to me again...
Simon: No, absolutely not!
Jace: I promise. If it ever comes to that, I won't let him take you alive.

Clary: Is this because of Maia? I don't want you to think we can't be best friends because you're seeing someone.
Simon: No, you see that's it! I don't want to see anyone...anyone else. I'm in love with you, Clary. But I realize that you might not feel the same way and it might get weird...
[She kisses him]
Simon: We did that?
Clary: We did.
Simon: We did.
[They giggle]
Simon: How was it? Was it, you know...?
Clary: Weird?
Simon: Yea...
Clary: In the best way possible.

Jace: You know, I didn't think hot-tempered wolves were your type, Simon.
Simon: No, we're just...
Jace: Friends? Shocking. It's the Simon Lewis sweet spot. just ask Clary.
Simon: What does that mean?
Jace: It means you're the safe choice, Simon. You're non-threatening, you're easy to talk to, and you never seal the deal, am I right?
Simon: No.

Maia: Look man, I've been through some horrible things as well, so I get it.
Simon: Like what?
Maia: Okay, I've actually never told anyone about this. But you know that nightmare you have about showing up to school naked? Well, after an unexpected transformation, I came out of it butt naked and late for Calculus. It was horrible!
Simon: What did you do?
Maia: I hid in an empty classroom until everyone left. Luckily, I found a band uniform to wear. In hindsight, it would've been less embarrassing to just BE naked.

Becky: Oh my God! Is this blood?!
Simon: Uh, yea. Fake blood...stage blood for my band. We're doing this Ozzy Osbourne glitch hope thing.
Becky: That sounds really terrible. Look, I volunteered in a hospital and I know what real blood smells like.
Simon: Then the guy who sold it to me lied!
Becky: Okay. So, none of this behavior seems crazy to you?
Simon: Crazy? No. Not crazy at all.

Mrs. Lewis: Have you joined a cult again?
Simon: For the last time, World of Warcraft is not a cult!

Simon: Mom, I really want to move back home. I'm really bad at laundry.
Mrs. Lewis: Oh, thank god, Honey. I'm glad you know this about yourself. This shirt smells like death.

Simon: Anything?
Clary: Sorry, I'm still figuring out this tracking stuff. You know Isabelle says I need to clear my mind, but it's kinda hard to be zen when you're a Shadowhunter.
Simon: If only I had check in, called her once in a while instead of totally avoiding her.
Clary: Well, maybe it's worth telling her the truth?
Simon: What?! Come out of the coffin? Do you have any idea how she would react?
Clary: Well, there's only one way to find out.

Raphael: We are your family now.
Simon: And what? I'm just supposed to forget my mom?
Raphael: Your mom...your mom will grow old while you stay the same. And eventually she will be gone. Sooner or later, even your memories of her will fade, whether you want them to or not.
Simon: No, that won't happen, not to me.
Raphael: Keep telling yourself that.

Magnus: Oh there you are! And there he is, my baby.
Simon: Your baby?
Magnus: I created him for Camille ages ago. Best gift I ever gave.
Simon: Great. Well then, maybe don't include me on your Christmas list.
Magnus: He didn't scare you, did he?
Simon: No, of course not. I "Encanto'd" him. No biggie.

Raphael: Do you have any idea what the Clave does to vampires who violate the Accords?
Simon: I'm not sure I want to know.
Raphael: They nail us to crosses and let shafts of sunlight burn off our body parts, one at a time.
Simon: Which body part? You know, don't answer that!

Simon: What's up guys?
Gretel: We know Luke said you could crash here. But not here!
Simon: You don't want to touch me. Encanto!
Gretel: What the hell are you doing?
Simon: Encanto. Ummm...Encanto! It's supposed to make you do whatever I tell you to.
Gretel: You're the worst vampire ever.

Alberto Rosende Quotes

Simon: What's up guys?
Gretel: We know Luke said you could crash here. But not here!
Simon: You don't want to touch me. Encanto!
Gretel: What the hell are you doing?
Simon: Encanto. Ummm...Encanto! It's supposed to make you do whatever I tell you to.
Gretel: You're the worst vampire ever.

Simon: So do you think it's true? What they're saying about Jace?
Luke: That he's working with Valentine? I don't think so.
Simon: I mean, he could come for Clary next. He's totally hung up on her.
Luke: So are you worried about Jace...or maybe telling Clary how you feel? Be bold, Simon.
Simon: I'm bold...adjacent.
[Both laugh]