Joanna: Why do you keep fostering?
Pastor Parson: Because a lot of these foster homes aren't safe; these kids need somewhere to go. But once they're in the system, it's never a happy ending.

Joanna: Do you trust me, Luna?
Luna: Of course.
Joanna: As your boss or as your sister?
Luna: Both.
Joanna: Because as your sister, who moved heaven and earth to clear you of murder charges, I am pretty hurt that you told Kodie that I didn't protect you.
Luna: That's not what I said.
Joanna: And as your boss, I am furious that you discredited me to our client and gave her illegal and unethical advice.
Luna: You have no idea what Kodie's going through right now.
Joanna: It is not our job to empathize. It is our job to get her out of it.
Luna: It's not exactly something I can just turn off. Okay, I've tried.
Joanna: Well try harder. Because as your sister, maybe I'll get over the fact that you went behind my back with Kodie. But as your boss, if you aren't with me, then you are against me, and there's no room for that at Crawford Chang.

When you are inside it, it is hard to see a way out. I get that. When you helped me, I didn't want it. I didn't even understand that I needed it. I know that it looks bad right now but there is still hope. I am still fighting and I am not gonna leave you.


Joanna: I know that things seem out of control right now and I know how desperately you wanna be with your kids but we have to do this the right way.
Kodie: The right way for you. It's easy to follow the law when it isn't constantly trying to crush you. I talked to Luna. She listened to you. Turned herself in, tried to do the legal thing, and what;d that get her?
Joanna: Exonerated.
Kodie: After months rotting in jail. Do you have any idea what months in foster care does to kids? Luna told me not to turn myself in. She told me to run.
Joanna: Luna's not a lawyer. That would be very bad advice to take.
Kodie: And where's yours gotten me?
Joanna: The system isn't perfect; it was designed to protect children.
Kodie: I'm trying to protect them. I haven't always been the best mom but they don't deserve this. I went through the foster care system. I won't let that happen to them.

Joanna: I'm not a trespasser. I'm a lawyer. And friend. I'm here to help my friend.
Kodie: Not really sure we're friends right now. Where are the cops? Parked in the car?
Joanna: No one else knows where you are. I'm just here to help.
Kodie: You know, for a big shot lawyer, all your help has done is make things a lot worse.

Joanna: Kodie needs a friend right now, not a lawyer.
Billy: And as a friend, you got a plan to convince her to turn herself in?
Billy: That's what the drive up is for.

Joanna: When Kodie needs to think she goes to the land.
Billy: Yeah, she went somewhere after that first drug test.
Joanna: The Chartrand's have a camp. Kodie took me there once when we were kids.
Billy: Could make sense that she'd bring her kids there now.
Joanna: Yeah, especially 'cause no one else knows where it is. The Chartrand's wanna protect it.
Billy: Yeah, or their criminal enterprise. Keep people away from whatever it is they do up there.
Joanna: Or life is complicated and it's both.

Billy: We have been busting our asses to prove she's a stable mother and now this?
Joanna: We don't know for sure she's the one who took them. I just, I can't believe that she would do something so --
Billy: Irrational. Dangerous. She's out of control around those girls.
Joanna: Billy, she would never hurt them.
Billy: Before today would you have thought she'd ever kidnap them.

Joanna: Elmcreek is a public and private middle school, right? Sorry. Hi.
Diane: Hi yourself. You know I can't tell you where Kodie's kids are.
Joanna: It's Kodie you can't tell that to.
Diane: You're her lawyer.

Joanna: Where to start? Toxic disasters, kids being taken, Luna, my father, it's all been ...
Alan: Hard.
Joanna: Human. Which is hard, for me.

Joanna: I have my own firm.
Alan: Yeah. I know. What's the name?
Joanna: Crawford Chang.
Alan: Why would you let Crawford put his name first?
Joanna: It sounded better

Diane: Even as the principal there's nothing I can do. Makes me feel so helpless.
Joanna: Yeah. But I don't do helpless.
Diane: And that's why God made you the lawyer.
Joanna: My father made me a lawyer.
Diane: And you're the best one I know.

Beauty and the Beast Quotes

Vargas:This is where he lives? A chemical plant?
Cat: He's a researcher, maybe he works from home?
Vargas: Or maybe it's a meth lab.
Cat: Just my type.

Everyone told me it was just a coyote or a bear. This thing I thought I had seen was just a result of my concussion or post traumatic stress. No, the men who killed my mother were beasts. I believed them. Until now.
