Tyrone: What if I’m not afraid of you?
[Tandy raises her white dagger]
Tandy: You always have been at some level.
[She throws the dagger at Tyrone]
Tyrone: Nah, I’m probably the only person on this earth who knows the real you.
Tandy: You know what I’ve been through, what I’m capable of, but it goes both ways. I see your darkness too.

Tandy: How is there two of you? And this other “you,” she slit this guy’s throat open with her own hand. She’s crazy strong and crazy homicidal.
Brigid: She’s not me!
Tandy: She’s got your face and she’s got your badge! She pointed a gun at us, she killed this guy in the ambulance, and all the people at the club!
Tyrone: Tandy! Give her a minute, okay?
Tandy: Okay, I’m sorry. I’m sorry she just … I mean, how did this happen? Was there some sort of lightning strike?
Tyrone: Tandy, she doesn’t know what happened.

Tyrone: Hey, what she do? The lady with the SUV?
Tandy: It wasn’t her. It was her husband. It’s possible I’m not over my dad the way that I wish I was over my dad. Then I want to hurt someone. And since he’s not around, I’m trying to find other people who can stand to take on a little hurt.
Tyrone: Yeah, I think I’m still working some stuff out too. Hitting these gangs, causing all this trouble ‘cause I’m angry.
Tandy: At who?
Tyrone: The world, I think.

Tandy: All good?
Tyrone: Think so.
Tandy: Good. Okay, so what do we do now?
Tyrone: I don’t know. I guess we just hang out until it’s over and I can collect the recorder.
Tandy: Hang out? Are you saying that “Tyrone Johnson” is going to “hang out” at a drinking and dancing establishment with nothing to do but enjoy himself?
Tyrone: You know I don’t drink.
Tandy: Nah, that’s okay. I can drink for the both of us.

Mina: What the hell happened to him?!
Tandy: He turned into a Terror.
Mina: A what?!
Tandy: Mina, listen, eight years ago on the rig that stole our dads, the entire crew went crazy just like this guy did.
Mina: No, that’s not true. The reports from the rig…
Tandy: Scarborough lied into getting you back in there to extract whatever had that power. That power made people crazy, it turned their adrenaline up to a 22. Your dad called them “Terrors.”
Mina: Yeah, well, he always did have a knack for accurate nomenclature.

Tandy: You are Tyrone FREAKIN' Johnson! Baller lady killer, master of space… if not time… you don’t need a cloak for all that.
Tyrone: Look, what if I do?
[Tandy reveals Billy’s sweater]
Tandy: Well, then you can use this.
[He gets up]
Tyrone: Is that?
Tandy: It is.
Tyrone: How did you…
Tandy: I stole it from little you. It’s the first thing I ever stole.
Tyrone: Why didn’t you say anything about this before?
Tandy: I needed it. I really needed it.
Tyrone: And now?
Tandy: And now you need it, even though you don’t need it. But I need you.

Tandy: I don’t know, Ty. I think we lost.
Tyrone: I think you’re right.
Tandy: I guess what happens now?
Evita: What happens is that you two are going to come at the problem and fix it… somehow.
[Evita drops the bolt-cutters]
Evita: But in the process, one of you is going to die.
Tandy: Uh, I’m sorry, can you repeat that last part again?
Evita: Every time the city’s been struck with a catastrophe, it’s always come down to two people. My auntie calls them, “The Divine Pairing.” It’s always two since the stories began.

Tandy: I gotta go.
Melissa: Where are you going?
Tandy: I need to go help some people.
Melissa: Why you?
[Tandy hugs and kisses Melissa’s cheek]
Tandy: Why not?

Liam: What is up with you?
Tandy: What do you mean?
Liam: Saying nice things. You’re talking about marriage.
Tandy: Yeah, so?
Liam: When is that you? It’s so normal?
Tandy: You know the dreams I dread before I go to sleep. The good ones... the happy ones... the hopeful ones. Because then you wake up and you’re back to your own life. I realize something when I was without you: It’s my own fault. I’m the reason I dread those dreams because I’m not doing anything to make my life any better.
[She reaches over and grab his hands]
Tandy: It’s gonna stop. I wanna build a life. A happy one. Finally.

Now you know how it feels.


Tyrone: Have you even talked to your mom about this?
Tandy: No, but you know what, we’re both on the same page. “If you don’t hurt, you get hurt.”
Tyrone: That’s not how I see it.
Tandy: You will if you ever grow up. And learn that there is nothing you can ever do to bring your big bro back.
Tyrone: Well, excuse me if I don’t take wellness advice from the Brown family.
[Tandy places the white dagger to his throat]
Tandy: Screw you, Tyrone!
Tyrone: I’ll see you in your dreams.

Tyrone: I got a confession out of him. It was like music. It was real, and awful, and sweet.
Tandy: I didn’t get a confession, but I did scare the s*** out of him. Blowing the whistle on these a******* and putting Roxxon out of business. The past eight years have sucked, but maybe we do have a future?
Tyrone: Maybe we do.

Olivia Holt Quotes

Tandy: My opinion and my experience: It’s dangerous to get close to anyone. But with you, I’m conclusively right. When we touch, s*** goes boom.
[Tandy starts moving forward]
Tandy: So, the first question is: How close can we get to each other without triggering our crazy?
Tyrone: And how are you gonna do that?
Tandy: Close your eyes. Don’t move. And no cheating.
[They reach for each other, hands glowing. They touch and go flying across the room]
Tyrone: That was…
Tandy: WHAT?!
Tyrone: That was… nice, at first.

Tandy: Are you trying to kill me?
Tyrone: No! Why would you ask that?!
Tandy: Because you have a gun in your hand.
[Awkward silence]
Tandy: Wait, you’re that kid...from the party. The graveyard. The beach. You shot at me!
Tyrone: That wasn’t meant for you.
Tandy: Then who was it meant for?!