Tyrone: Why are you here?
Tandy: What? No hug? Not even a handshake?!
Tyrone: Come on.
Adina: Tyrone, who’s this?
Tyrone: Oh, this is, um... this is my friend...
Tandy: Tandy. Hi!
Adina: Well, why did you stop by today, Tandy?
Tandy: Um, today, I guess. Yeah, my dad died the same night as Tyrone’s brother, so I thought I’d stop by to check on Ty.
Otis: That’s very nice of you. Thank you, Tandy.
Tandy: Are you guys doing anything special for Billy today?
Tyrone: No. We’re not.

Melissa: I know you haven’t been showing up to the memorial tradition these last few years...
Tandy: Mom, I want to be there.
Melissa: Really?
Tandy: Yeah, really.
Melissa: Then we’ll need the perfect balloon. What should we get?
Tandy: Anything, just not like that one time you had the bar mitzvah balloon.
Melissa: That was pretty hilarious.
Tandy: Up into the sky to honor Dad’s memory.
Melissa: Mazel tov!
Tandy: You know what, I’ll get the balloon.

Tandy: Daddy, are you there?
Nathan: I’m here pumpkin.
Tandy: I can’t believe it’s you.
Nathan: Why are you surprised? You see me every day.
Tandy: Not anymore.
Nathan: What do you mean?
Tandy: It’s just... that you’ve been working so much, I feel like I don’t get to see you. I miss it. I miss our talks, our long car rides. I even miss your bad jokes.
Nathan: Well, I’m here right now. What do you want to talk about?
Tandy: It doesn’t matter. I just want to talk. Is that ok?
Nathan: Absolutely.
Tandy: Tell me about your day.
Nathan: You don’t want to hear about all that boring science stuff, do you?
Tandy: Yeah, I do. I really do. I promise.

Tyrone: Is this a normal thing for you?
Tandy: What?
Tyrone: Sneaking into a hospital with someone in a coma.
Tandy: Not a coma, catatonic. Eight years ago they pulled a dozen bodies off the rig that exploded. Only one of them is still alive.
Tyrone: Eight years ago as in?
Tandy: The night my father crashed off the bridge.
Tyrone: That explosion on the rig is what made Connors pulled the trigger.
Tandy: It also put the vacant sign on Dr. Hess here.
[She waves in front of Ivan’s face]
Tandy: See...
Tyrone: You are into some messed up s***.

Tyrone: Tandy? Tandy... Tandy, where are we?
Tandy: I don’t know. Ty. What’s wrong with that guy?
Tyrone: Don’t worry, he can’t see or hear us.
Tandy: Ty!
[The man swings a wrench and Tandy stabs him with the dagger]
Tandy: That guy just tried to kill us!
Tyrone: So, clearly he saw us. The rules here must be different.
Tandy: What the hell is going on?!
Tyrone: The worst that could happen.
[Another crazed individual walks by]
Tyrone: We have to get out of here!

Tyrone: You’re gonna do your hope thing on her?
Tandy: Use what you got, right? You can too.
Tyrone: I can what?
Tandy: Use people’s nightmares against them. Maybe you can get some leverage on this kid with the gun? Steal his job.
Tyrone: I guess we’re both out for different lives.
Tandy: The further adventures of the scientist and the criminal. [Mouth pop]

Tyrone: What are you doing at a Roxxon event?
Tandy: Digging. Trying to find the mystery man at the center of everything.
Tyrone: When you say “dig,” do you mean root around in people’s heads?
Tandy: Why do you care?
Tyrone: I’m here because of you. You’ve been experimenting. Alright, with your hope-y touchy thing.
Tandy: Why? Why does that matter?!
Tyrone: It matters because you checked too many books out of the library. You and I are connected, and because you’re using your s***, mine has been going haywire all night and it’s your fault.

Tyrone: You didn’t have to do all this.
Tandy: I can’t take the credit.
[Tyrone is startled]
Tyrone: What the hell are you doing here? The last I saw you, you were calling me a “choir boy.”
Tandy: Yeah, well, the last time I saw you, you were storming out my church like one. Sorry I got my harsh on.
Tyrone: Seriously, what are you doing here?
Tandy: I come bearing good news.
Tyrone: What’s that?
Tandy: I did it. I controlled it. I made it happen. Check it.
[The white blade appears in her hand]
Tyrone: Can you not?! Not here.
Tandy: What... but here is interesting. Tyrone Johnson in his natural habitat. Hey, I don’t know if Betty or Veronica decorated your locker, but she’s in it to win it!

Tandy: Hey! Preparing for that job interview?
Melissa: We both know there isn’t one.
Tandy: I think you were right.
Melissa: About what?
Tandy: About Greg. He’s a nice guy, he’s not an idiot. He’s working his ass off on this case for you.
Melissa: Tandy! You were right the first time. He is just like the rest of them.
Tandy: Mom, I don’t think that’s true.
Melissa: Well, it doesn’t really matter what you think. I just broke up with him.

Tandy: My opinion and my experience: It’s dangerous to get close to anyone. But with you, I’m conclusively right. When we touch, s*** goes boom.
[Tandy starts moving forward]
Tandy: So, the first question is: How close can we get to each other without triggering our crazy?
Tyrone: And how are you gonna do that?
Tandy: Close your eyes. Don’t move. And no cheating.
[They reach for each other, hands glowing. They touch and go flying across the room]
Tyrone: That was…
Tandy: WHAT?!
Tyrone: That was… nice, at first.

Tandy: I don’t know what you gotta be so afraid of. You seem strong, wily, and honest. Maybe that’s what’s wrong with you? You’re probably too honest.
Tyrone: Is there such a thing?
Tandy: There is! But, it hangs off your shoulders nicely.
Tyrone: I don’t think you live here by accident.
Tandy: What do you mean?
Tyrone: I think you believe in hope.
Tandy: What?
Tyrone: Yeah, you should. I think you should. You’re smart, and you know how to live in this world. You know, it’s not nothing. And it’s not ironic. You and hope.
[She laughs]
Tandy: What are we gonna do, Tyrone Johnson?
Tyrone: I don’t know, Tandy Bowen. The universe keeps pushing us together.
Tandy: The universe keeps pulling us apart. Anyway, it’s nice to have someone to talk to.

Tandy: Are you trying to kill me?
Tyrone: No! Why would you ask that?!
Tandy: Because you have a gun in your hand.
[Awkward silence]
Tandy: Wait, you’re that kid...from the party. The graveyard. The beach. You shot at me!
Tyrone: That wasn’t meant for you.
Tandy: Then who was it meant for?!

Olivia Holt Quotes

Tandy: My opinion and my experience: It’s dangerous to get close to anyone. But with you, I’m conclusively right. When we touch, s*** goes boom.
[Tandy starts moving forward]
Tandy: So, the first question is: How close can we get to each other without triggering our crazy?
Tyrone: And how are you gonna do that?
Tandy: Close your eyes. Don’t move. And no cheating.
[They reach for each other, hands glowing. They touch and go flying across the room]
Tyrone: That was…
Tandy: WHAT?!
Tyrone: That was… nice, at first.

Tandy: Are you trying to kill me?
Tyrone: No! Why would you ask that?!
Tandy: Because you have a gun in your hand.
[Awkward silence]
Tandy: Wait, you’re that kid...from the party. The graveyard. The beach. You shot at me!
Tyrone: That wasn’t meant for you.
Tandy: Then who was it meant for?!