Burquas isn't you guys, is it?


Jess: This is where Nick Miller grew up.
Nick: Except for the fall of '88 and the spring of '89--that was our "van year."

Ten years? You guys are like Bert and Ernie.


Why are you talking to me like a James Taylor song?


Winston: Schmidt, you can't move out! Who's gonna do my fades?!
Jess: Yeah, who's gonna do his fades?!

Schmidt, you stole my toothpaste while I was using it. That's vindictive.


Jess: What's next? What do we do?
Nick: I'm really fighting the urge to buy you a lobster dinner.

Jess: How many times a day does Schmidt text you?
Nick: Oh, no, just like...40.

I'm having a party tonight and I can't have him lying on the couch, wiping his tears with deli meat.


Nick: You know so many "Spaceballs" quotes.
Jess: They jammed the radar with literal jam!

I call it a "Temple Grandin," because it makes me friendly and compassionate.
