John: I just found out you were here.
Sami: I just found out that Hattie Adams, that nutjob, is pretending to be Mom. What is going on? I thought she was supposed to be in prison.
John: Yeah... I got a lot to talk to you about, so I'm gonna try to make this brief. I smuggled Hattie out of prison.
Sami: You... [pause] Because the hospital was determined to take Mom off that ventilator and you weren't going to let that happen?
John: That's a fact. Yeah. I put Hattie in your mother's bed and I moved your mother to a secure location so she could stay on the ventilator. I know I took a big chance here, but I didn't have any power over that Advance Directive.
Sami: That sounds like something I would have done.

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