June: Hello.
Joseph: Um, I'm sorry, June. I really am. All this bloodshed, it's, it's exactly what I was trying to avoid.
June: Soldiers are dead; you fuckin' slaughtered them.
Joseph: They invaded my country.
June: To save our children.
Joseph: Citizens of Gilead.
June: They were stolen from us! You know that!
Joseph: I gave you the chance to be with Hannah. You threw your lot in with the Americans!
June: Is that why you called, to blame me?
Joseph: No. I, I called because you can still come to New Bethlehem.
June: Why would you let me do that?
Joseph: Hannah's a symbol now. Like it or not, so are you. So, after last night, it would be even more effective if June Osborn chose to return to Gilead to be close to her child, close to Nick, too.
June: What do you mean?
Joseph: Nick will be there. You'd be neighbors, you could buy cups of sugar from each other, or whatever the kids are calling it these days.
June: Do you think you can just dangle Nick in front of me, and I'll just do whatever the fuck you want??
Joesph: I think it's a good deal, and I think you should take it. But there's one thing. Uh, I need you to go public. Call the failed mission a foolish act of aggression.
June: What? No, I'm not gonna say that.
Joseph: Why not? It's the truth. The Americans did what they always did. They put Hannah, they put all of those girls in real danger.
June: I cannot make Gilead look like the victim here. Joseph, it is an evil fucking country. I can't do that.
Joseph: I'm trying to fix it from the inside.
June: You are still part of it! You are one of them. It's even worse cause I know you know better.
Joseph: I'm doing what I can, step by step. It's what I promised Eleanor.
June: Eleanor hated you. She couldn't stand the sight of you. She was so broken and so ashamed of the man that she loved that she'd rather be dead. I watched her die. I did, I watched her die, and I did nothing, nothing.
Joseph: I knew, I knew you had something to do with it, but Eleanor would still want me to help you with Hannah, help you come back.
June: I want her here! I want my baby here. Safe and free. Please.
Joseph: It's never gonna happen.

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The Handmaid's Tale Season 5 Episode 9: "Allegiance"
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The Handmaid's Tale Season 5 Episode 9 Quotes

Serena: Praise be.
Mr. Wheeler: Oh, yeah.

Naomi: He had Warren killed in front of me.
Aunt Lydia: Which he's willing to overlook. So should you.