Karl: I'm confused. Is Terese paying rent or not?
Toadie: No, she's not. Paul's giving Terese the office for free.
Karl: Oh. But Reece thinks otherwise?
Toadie: Isn't it strange that Paul would insist on Terese taking the office if it was going to cause a problem?
Karl: Oh, maybe it's a power thing between him and Reece.
Toadie: Maybe. Or maybe not. He made a comment about keeping the specifics on the down low. He said it was about the other tenants. We even laughed about it.
Karl: Okay.
Toadie: And I didn't think anything of it at the time, but what if there is another reason to hide it?
Karl: Like what?
Toadie: The truth of what he's up to.
Karl: Toad, you don't think you're reading too much into this?
Toadie: No, something's not right. It feels like classic game-playing Paul, which usually means he's got an agenda.
Karl: Okay. Yeah.
Toadie: Over this past year, since he stood Terese up at their vow renewal, I have come to believe he was over her.
Karl: Oh yeah, me too.
Toadie: What if it's a one act? What if he's biding his time? What if all this office stuff is just to keep Terese close?

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