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What was it you said? That I’d be more comfortable somewhere else, in a more progressive…

Trip: I’ve been subjected to more scrutiny in one year at this job than my predecessor had to deal with in 35, and still, I rose to that challenge. But from the start, you haven’t supported me because a black woman can’t be sheriff in this town.

Rutherford: Now hold on, I never said anything…

Trip: What was it you said? That I’d be more comfortable somewhere else, in a more progressive town. You don’t want to make me feel comfortable. You wanted to make sure that everyone else around here wasn’t uncomfortable. And instead of trying to help me clean up the racism in this town, you wanted me out of your way so you all could get back to business. But guess what? I don’t like the way you do business, and I think your boss, the Attorney General, will agree with me when she sees this.