Bonnie: Do not blame yourself because you got conned by an expert. First of all, he fooled the cops too. What's wrong with trusting? What's wrong with believing in love? We should all be as openhearted as you.
Nancy: That's so easy for you to say because you have Justin.
Bonnie: Yes, and I thank my lucky stars every day for that. But that's because for my entire life I didn't think I deserved what I have now.
Nancy: Oh no.
Bonnie: No, I was as down on myself as you are now. But I am here to tell you it does get better. It does. Now, you learned a hard lesson. You don't let your guard down til you know everything there is to know about a man, right? So now, you need to believe in yourself. Don't you dare let Clyde or Craig take that away from you. They have already taken away so much!

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