Gabi: I'm the last person who should be giving relationship advice. I've dated so many men who didn't treat me right and repeated the same mistakes over and over. But Jake is different.
Sami: He treats you right?
Gabi: Yes, but more important than that, I've learned not to settle for a man who sees me as anything less than his equal. I don't know if anyone can be your equal, but you deserve better than EJ Dimera.
Sami: Not a fan?
Gabi: No, but I am a big fan of you.
Sami: Wow. That's really nice of you to say. It means a lot to me.
Gabi: You taught me to stand up for myself. I know we have had our differences, but you are Will's mother and Ari's abuelita, and I will always have your back.

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