You're the only one who can show your son what a useless man like you can achieve and how proud he can make his father. Ye dinna ken, but it's you, not what you do or give or provide. It's you we need to come home.


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Outlander Season 6 Episode 3: "Temperance"
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Outlander Season 6 Episode 3 Quotes, Outlander Quotes
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Outlander Season 6 Episode 3 Quotes

Ian: Why would your father ever be worried about your eternal fate?
Malva: I'm flattered you don't think he should be. But why not? Are we all not sinners, Mr... it is Fraser, isn't it?
Ian: It's Murry. My ma's a Fraser. And aye, we are all sinners, but a young lass like yourself? Surely, you've done no wrong.
Malva: Looks can be deceiving.

Claire: God wants him to have the surgery, but the masochist is refusing the ether.
Tom: Masochist?
Claire: Well, it's a word for people who prefer to suffer pain.