Racing Through 1904 - 12 Monkeys
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Someone is having a nail pulled out of his hand. It appears to be Athan, and Sebastian, his teacher. He's having visions which hurt him physically. It is Sebastian who gives him the map paper, telling him to take his insanity to make it sane.

Hannah and Deacon are on a train looking for Cassie and Cole. They find them but with the vests, C&C are virtually unstoppable.


Jennifer says there shouldn't even be a fight because they're our friends. Deacon is pissed. He also questions Jennifer's directions, thinking her third eye is getting a little lazy.

Jones goes to see Olivia. Other than quitting smoking, she also learns to quit thinking linearly. For her information, she is let out of her cage.

Jennifer cannot believe it. Deacon just says meh and continues denigrating Cole and Cassie. Jennifer is disgusted. She also reminds Deacon that Cassie missed all of his major organs. On purpose. He doesn't care.

Olivia lets them know Jennifer is holding out on them. 

Jennifer needs to go back to 1899 to help them out. She sacrifices Terry the Turtle to get there.

Not only do C&C need to get into a masquerade ball, they need to pick pockets (Cassie sucks) and teach Cole to dance.

They get to the party in the hopes of meeting their son, only to find Sebastian one second and their damned team the next. 

While Jones and Cole have each other at gunpoint, Jennifer walks in fully costumed with fireworks in pockets. 

C&C escape while Jones kills Sebastian. Deacon tosses Jennifer into the cell and Olivia comes by to gloat.

When everyone's gone, Athan walks up to Sebastian.

C&C are in 1919 where their son once lived. There is a white mask on the table. Athan is James Callis.


12 Monkeys
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12 Monkeys Season 3 Episode 8 Quotes

Athan, one day you'll have all the power in the world. Only a man who has learned to live with nothing can understand what wielding that really means.


To be primary is beautiful. It is to be a part of nature, a part of time itself.
