Lightning Yellow Hair - 1883
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Colton and Wade laugh at how good Elsa is with the herd, and remind each other never to teach her to rope, or they'll be out of a job.

They've seen nothing but grass for weeks. The plains are littered with bones. It's harsh territory, and existence isn't easy.

Elsa talks about the filth of man on fresh land as an apocalypse, but she doesn't do anything to stop the train.

The Commanche are watching. The travelers need to pay a tax. Thomas asks them to carve one of the herd off, and they hear a gunshot behind them. Cook got what he needed.

As cook screams at the group about how to operate the chuckwagon using a whole lot of fucks that go right over the heads of them all.

Margaret gives Cook a talking to.

The hot commanche seems keen on Elsa. Wade and Colton pick up on it as the fella wants Elsa to show her just how fast Lightning is.

Margaret and James are taken from their dinner to watch the race. James says to look at her face. Margaret sees it. She just doesn't want it to fall off.

Elsa wins. He gives her a Commanche name, Lightning Yellow Hair. His name is Sam, which he stole from the man who murdered his wife. He says that she doesn't cry or think of that man too much. God gave her a good face and yellow hair. She cuts off a chunk to give to him. He says she needs a better knife.

He gives her something lovely, and she thinks it's too much. But she won the race, so it's hers now.

Elsa can't sleep when there are clouds. She needs stars to dream. She wonders if Margaret is happy. In general, she's worried. As a wife, and as a mother. Their survival feels beyond their control out there. She's not happy in general, but in this moment wiht the man she loves, a son she adores, and a daughter she envy's, she's happy.

Elsa ponders the weather.

At the fire, Shea and Sam talk about bandits. It's worse the way they're going. He says they're a perfect size, big enough to be a prize and small enough to fight. North of Kansas and into Wyoming is still a war. He says if he knew a way around, he'd tell him, but Shea says the way around is to live in Colorado. Sam recommends it.

Thomas says that Cook is gone. Shea doesn't think he'd quit, so maybe he tried to get above the storm.

James wonders why Elsa is sleeping outside. That's where she slept with Ennis. James says they've got to get going. There's a storm coming.

Elsa gets up and sees a gift that Sam left for her. It's a horse made of her hair.

It's an all out nightmare with this storm. It's a tornado, and they've got to let the horses go and get close to the ground.

Elsa, Colton, and Wade follow Sam, and Shea lays down with his horse. As the hurricane blows over them, Elsa screams, stifling her screams by kissing Sam. Soon, the sun is overhead.

James goes off to find Elsa everyone else gathers to help each other.

Lightning made it through the storm.

She says she'll go look for more, and when they ask how she'll bring them back, she gives Sam a hand to join her.

Elsa and Sam find the horses. It's time to say goodbye. He rides off leaving her to return to her group.

James says that Elsa can say she lived through hell now, but she says it was beautiful. All he can do is laugh.

Noemi and Thomas try to find their belongings. She finds the mirror, but it's cracked. She says they have nothing, now. How will they survive with nothing? She's scared to death. They have nothing. Thomas promises her he has money enough for the both of them.

Josef cries over his broken possessions.

Shea says they can maybe salvage two wagons. He thinks they need to turn back. If they can't find the cattle, they can't eat.

Cook comes back with his wagon. He saw the cattle about a mile back with six boys rounding them up. Now Shea is worried.

Colton has to deliver the news to Margaret. He asks her to get the weapons and get them loaded. Instead, she takes Colton's horse to get Elsa.

There aren't six bandits, there are 13. Shea says to run and fan out. James tells Elsa to run and don't stor for anything as the men get into the grass to pick off as many as they can.

James, Thomas, and Shea are all deadeye dicks, but Thomas takes one on the shoulder.

There are three men gaining ground on Elsa. Lightning is out in front, but she looks behind her anyway. She felt no fear. It was just another race, but this one she needs to win or she'll die. Sam is there, her guardian angel. She says that his fury was so magnificent, there was no time for horror, not even for those he killed. They ride away as fast as they arrived.

John is hit. Thomas is hit again. Sam and his friend arrive. Shea kills everyone left on the ground.

Shea looks at James's wound. It's like a bullet zit. He squeezes it right out.

Thomas is next. He's got to contend with. Shea didn't know he got hit, but there's blood on his boot. A bullet skimmed Shea's head. Their luck is all used up.

Jesus. Charlie is one of the saviors, and Charlie is Taylor Sheridan.

Sam and Elsa have another moment. Riding in opposite directions, they brush their palms together.

Margaret finds one of the remaining bandits. He wants her horse. She shoots him before he gets his gun out.


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1883 Season 1 Episode 7 Quotes

Josef: What is this fuck?
Cook: What did you just call me?
Josef: What is this fuck?
Shea: He don't know what that word means. Neither does he [pointing at John]. And he's about to ask her, then Lord help ya. So maybe don't use it, huh?
Cook: It's a hard one to shake, Shea.
Shea: Well, start shakin'.

Elsa: Commanches can charge a tax?
Colton: It's their land, they can do whatever they want.
Wade: Only people that think this is America still live in Washington.