Vacation Hang Out - 9-1-1 Season 7 Episode 1
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Two months ago, Athena had a therapy session with Frank, where she laments Bobby booking their cruise. She tells him she's terrified of going on the boat and says it came from watching The Poseidon Adventure as a child.

A flash forward shows a cruise ship sinking and Bobby and Athena trapped inside, seemingly about to drown.

Maddie gets a call from a man who had to jump off his fighter jet after losing engine control while on a training exercise.

A couple, Abe and Edna, bicker before the missing fighter jet crashes into their home, pinning Abe in place in his recliner. The 118 arrives and discovers Abe is trapped in his chair by a dummy bomb across his lap. Hen then calls the pilot for instructions on how to diffuse the bomb.

Eddie takes point on diffusing the bomb, but the pilot gives conflicting information on which wire to cut. But before Eddie cuts the wire, Chimney pulls the lever on the chair, allowing Abe to be freed.

Chimney wonders to Hen whether he and Maddie could end up like the bickering couple who've grown to resent one another.

Eddie tells Buck that Christopher has a first date. Buck tells Eddie that he and Natalia have broken up.

Chimney proposes to Maddie that they start dating again in a bid to not end up like Abe and Edna. And Maddie agrees.

Bobby and Athena dance on the cruise ship, and at their table, they're joined by Lola and Norman, a couple with whom they have a history from a past call. Lola and Norman explain they've been living on cruise ships since Lola got out of prison.

Back in their room, Athena tells Bobby she doesn't like Lola and Norman. A flashback to her session with Frank reveals that Athena worries about her relationship with Bobby when there's no chaos, and it's just the two of them.

When Bobby suggests they stay in the room for the trip, Athena freezes and then accepts an invitation from Lola and Norman, who stop by the room to see if they want to have a nightcap.

Maddie tells Josh about her and Chimney's new dating schedule while Chimney tells Hen.

Eddie tells Buck about Christopher's date, which went well, except that Eddie finds out Christopher has been talking to more than one girl. He then asks Buck if he can talk to Christopher about the situation.

Bobby and Athena prepare for a day in Mazatlán, but Athena asks for a rain check because she has a migraine. She tells Bobby to go and then retreats to their room. Bobby then decides to stay on the boat and goes to an AA meeting where he worries Athena is avoiding being alone with him.

A couple spends a romantic night in the hot tub, but the man faints while having intercourse, with the two stuck together. Due to the tensing in the woman's vagina, she's unable to get free. Eddie then helps her relax by using a tool he uses when he'd have panic attacks, which allows her to relax enough to get free.

Buck talks to Christopher about talking to too many girls at once, with Eddie listening in, and Christopher tells him it doesn't matter because everyone leaves anyone, like his mother.

Bobby wakes up alone and finds Athena having coffee on the ship. Norman stops by their table and tells them Lola is resting after their excursion the day before. Athena also notices scratches on Norman's neck, which he attributes to falling off his bike.

While Athena returns to the room to get changed, she sees a bloody towel on the maid's cart as she exits Lola and Norman's room. The maid also tells her Lola isn't in her room.

When Athena never shows up to the pool, Bobby returns to the room and finds Athena on the phone with Hen, where she tells her she thinks Norman killed Lola. They then go down to Julian, the cruise director, who tells them that Lola just scanned her medallion at the buffet. They then go and see Norman at the buffet with another woman.

Eddie gives Christopher a letter Shannon wrote him when he was little.

Maddie comes home late, missing their date night, and Chimney says the dating was a mistake and there's no reason to force things. He then shows her that he got them a hot tub.

Bobby and Athena bring their concerns about Norman to the captain, and they discover that the ship is returning to Los Angeles due to a storm. When questioned, Norman says Lola was taken in Mazatlán by a gang of people who knew their names. They demanded Norman give them his dongle. He insists he doesn't have a dongle or bitcoin, but they didn't believe him, so they took Lola.

The captain tells them there have been rumors about a retired couple using the cruise line industry as a front for international smuggling. Norman tells them it's not them, and they told him if he didn't turn over the dongle at the next port of call, Lola is dead.

Before they can do anything else, gunshots rung out and pirates overtake the ship.

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9-1-1 Season 7 Episode 1 Quotes

Chimney: How do you suppose that happens?
Hen: I assume something broke.
Chimney: No, I mean, how do two people live together in the same roof for thirty years and end up full of resentment and disdain?
Hen: I believe you just answered your own questions.

Athena: What?
Frank: So, you're saying you're traumatized by a TV movie you saw when you were a child?
Athena: A major motion picture. Shelley Winters was even nominated for Best Supporting Actress at the Oscars that year.
Frank: Did she win?
Athena: No, she did not.